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Flucht und Einwanderung

The U.S policy about asylum. Why so complex?

Nutzer gelöscht
Nutzer gelöschtDienstag, 24.11.2015

Even before the Paris terror attacks and the mix-up with the topic of refugee influx, entering the US as a refugee means going through one of the toughest asylum procedures thinkable.

The terrorist attacks that happened in Paris turned the spotlight on the "refugee influx" not only in the European political scene but also in the U.S. Republicans called on President Barack Obama to renege on his pledge to admit 10,000 refugees fleeing Syrias's brutal civil war into the U.S. and argued instead for a full stop, fearing terrorists could infiltrate their ranks. But seeking asylum in the U.S. implies getting through a complex process anyway.The article is recommended because it provides information about asylum procedures in the U.S. and politicians' attitudes towards the refugee issue.

The U.S policy about asylum. Why so complex?

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Kommentare 2
  1. Frederik Fischer
    Frederik Fischer · vor 9 Jahren

    Passend dazu in der New York Times (mit genauer Auflistung aller Prozessschritte): Why It Takes Two Years for
    Syrian Refugees to Enter the U.S. http://www.nytimes.com...

  2. Magdalena Taube
    Magdalena Taube · vor 9 Jahren

    Thank you for sharing!

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